
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Moving and intermittent availability

Sweet mother of the seven plots, I am so tired. I'm also moving, and no, that doesn't mean I'm finished remodeling. I get closer everyday.

Somewhere over the last year, I stopped doing weights. Now that i'm schlepping boxing around, I can honestly say: BAD IDEA. On the plus side, I'll get a few weeks of carting around my library boxes prior to the main event: Moving my baby grand piano!

In renovation news, well here it is, a warning not to cut corners at the end. 

Thursday, July 16, 2015

A pile of broken dreams or a steel wrecking ball?

I came across an old bit of a post that I'd saved but never published. (remember, we aren't supposed to write about querying, despite the fact that it's one of the hardest things writers do, just after submissions, reading bad reviews, getting dropped by publisher and having agent leave the business).

Anyhow, what I found amazing was how much this feeling doesn't seem to change. Enough prologue, here's a clip from a bit of a distant post that's only now seeing the light of day.

I'm not gonna lie to you: my heart has been broken.

My dreams have been crushed.

I've seen what it looks like when everything I've dreamed has been burned down to the bitter ash. It ain't pretty.

But, as they say, Life goes on. Life doesn't care that your heart is shattered. Life doesn't care that you were broken. Life goes on, with or with out you.

And the frightening thing, is that all aspects of life go on. I got off the querying horse for a while. I needed a break, like for real. Sure, I have a ton of books just ready to hit go, but I needed to step away because sometimes publishing is crazy. Every book I've queried has broken my heart in some way or another, and now I'm back at that point where I'm trying to screw up my courage and do it again.

I'm back to reading agent bios and interviews, a pass time I'd sworn off. As I read, I find myself falling in love with them, my mind painting a picture of what my life would look like on the other side of finding the agent who will take me on.

I've been here before. I've stood on this shore and watched those waves come in. I always dream they'll be the waves to launch my boat, but instead, they eat away at the base of the cliff. It has always ended the same.

Like a fool, I find that there is still hope, and I wonder how? 

Where did you come from, hope? Did you not see how this ended last time? What about the time before? And the time before that? Why are you the one without reason, Hope? How did you survive the pyres on which I burned my last dream? How are you still alive, letting me fall in love again?

So, as you can see, I'm an idiot. My heart has taken leave of its senses and somehow--magically, for I had nothing to do with it--has reassembled itself to the point of feeling like an indestructible sphere of annihilation. 

But then I hesitate. This hurt last time. Am I ready to have this dream ground under the heel of a business model? Is my heart as indestructible as it pretends?


But it's too late, I've already jumped.

The current is faster than I remembered.

Sink or swim.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

And a bonus post!

Yes, two posts in one week (remember when I posted three times a week? I was crazy!!! Today I have Tara who's showing off her brand new cover for Pop Travel! Take it away Tara!

So happy to be here at the Doc's! Dr. Faerie Godmother, that is! Rena is the best! I've been enjoying this woman's sarcasm and scientific jargon for ages! Thanks for helping me out, woman!

AND Rena is also one of our newest authors at Curiosity Quills! Her hilarious book, ACNE, ASTHMA, AND OTHER SIGNS YOU MIGHT BE HALF DRAGON (I mean, just the title, ha!) is due out in November. And Rena, make sure you let me help you with your release!

Well, I'm going on a little rant today (don't worry, it's got a happy ending, all my stories do!)

Rena's book makes me think I could be half dragon with all my skin problems. Wouldn't that be cool?? But since it's not true, it's just kinda sad and annoying. It also makes me wonder. Has anyone else noticed how rampant allergies, autism, and even vitiligo (white spots where the skin pigment dies) are with kids these days? They're epidemic! Personally, I think it has a lot to do with the extended amount of time we all spend inactive indoors on screens. We are all connected all the time. You know you feel naked without your phone!
this is where my boys are headed...
So here's my crazy theory: All this inside idleness is causing our immune systems to weaken, causing our pigments to be unnecessary to protect us from the sun, causing our brains to turn to mush, and our bodies to flab - ever see WALL*E? My point! I don't believe in the big bang theory (great show tho!) but I do believe in evolution as in survival of the fittest and adapting and changing over time... things that make me go HMM! Or it could all just be my overactive imagination!! I am a writer, after all!

Thanks again, Rena for letting me rant and for letting me show everyone my new POP TRAVEL cover - it's eye-catching! And the re-release has a sneak peek at the first chapter of SIMULATION which comes out Sept 14th!

by Tara Tyler
Re-released July 1, 2015

In 2080, technology has gone too far for private detective J. L. Cooper. He thinks he can avoid pop travel teleportation, until he stumbles onto a video of a pop traveler who turns to dust.

Sparking a series of murders, attempts on his life, and threats to his brother, Cooper wants to pass off the evidence but knows he’s being watched and can’t trust anyone. And who would believe him?

With help from the neurotic genius “Creator” of pop travel and a beautiful Southern charmer, Cooper must expose the deadly glitch and shut it down or die trying. No problem.

Amazon ~~~ B&N ~~~ Goodreads

Tara Tyler has had a hand at everything from waitressing to rocket engineering. After living up and down the Eastern US, she now writes and teaches math in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. Currently, she has two series, The Cooper Chronicles (techno-thriller detective capers) and Beast World (MG fantasy) She's an adventure writer who believes every good story should have a moral, and a few laughs!

Also by Tara Tyler, MG/YA Fantasy series, Beast World,