
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

My book is on GoodReads, and other things that make me panic (IWSG)

Insecure writer's support group is brought to you this month by the Ninja Captain and his cohosts: TB Markinson, Tamara Narayan, Shannon Lawrence, Stephanie Faris, and Eva E. Solar. 

You now have to email Alex to get added to the widget, but if you're so inclined, hop on and start visiting people in the same boat as you. 

As mentioned in the title, my book, Acne, Asthma, and Other Signs You Might Be Half Dragon is posted up on GoodReads, and you can add it to your TBR shelf.  w00t! And also OMG! I'm super excited!


  1. Now that sounds like an interesting book. I'm heading over to Goodreads right now!

  2. I love that you did a video post!! Fantastic! I might steal your idea and do a video next month.
    Your insecurities are nice, too. Good insecurities to have, because they show you care about your work and your readers.
    Best wishes for a fantastic book release!

  3. Congratulations, that's awesome!
    Like your snark in the video. Bet that humor spills over into the book.

  4. Congrats! You must be over the moon excited.

  5. I think that putting a book out is, in a way, like having a child - you can't know if you're ready or not until it's too late not to do it, and nothing anyone else says about it will really prepare you. But you get to find out if you're ready or not, which is awesome in its own terrifying way.

    By the way, I told some of my relatives about your book, and they all said the title was great and that it sounded interesting just from that. These are all people who don't read anything even remotely close to fantasy. So you've definitely got something good with this one. ^_^


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