
Sunday, March 27, 2016

The Quiet Between Storms?

Whee! Last week was pretty big. My second book came out. If you haven't done a release yet, it's a little bit crazy and you start to feel like you're standing in an amphitheater designed to seat 20,000, and there are 100 people on the stage trying to get the attention of the audience.

The Great A to Z challenge starts up on Friday, and I've decided to throw in my hat. I'm frantically making videos, but it's looking like I'll be uploading during the challenge, but I'm committed to visiting five a day, so watch out for me. The challenge is enormous this year--I'm number 1535!

This Saturday I'm doing my first Signing at Mendocino Gallery Bookshop! So if you're in Mendocino, California at 6:30, I'll be signing books! 

Writing update:
All I can say at this point is "I'm working on it." I wish that I could really get into it, but since everything I'm working on right now is stuff that no one else has read, it seems rude to bore everyone about it or get your hopes up, because having 20K words into a project means nothing. I could hit a stumbling block at 40k or on the last couple of chapters, or the whole thing could crash and burn because sometimes that happens with novels. They are, by their very nature, difficult to write. So, I hope everyone is satisified with I'm working on it. I'm working on the things people have asked for (Yes, Liz, that project, too), and I'm working on a couple SeKrYt Projects. We'll see which gets where first. (My guess is the secret project will get announced before the others, but the universe has a tendency to laugh at me!).


  1. Your first signing? That's exciting, and I'm ridiculously jealous. :P Hope it goes well, and that whatever it is you're working on stays awesome.

  2. Enjoy the signing, and the A-Z. I'm not doing it this year, but I loved your videos last year, so I'll be watching again :-)

    Hope the book is well received!

  3. Perfectly put. That's exactly how a launch feels. Anymore, when I see I sold twenty in a quarter, I'm impressed that many found me in the crowd.


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