
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

New Year, New Insecurity?

I mean, obviously no. I have the same insecurities just more nuanced and flavored with experience. This month I'm struggling with the thought of ever finishing. I write more slowly than ever before. In 2019, I edited a book, and rewrote another book. I told myself I'd be done with editing the second book as well, but... Needless to say, I gave the book the time it needed, and it still needs time. It's such a time sink, I almost abandoned it for the greener pastures of a shiny new idea (which is now over a year old at this point). But I didn't, I stayed the course, and the book is starting to be some of the best work I've ever produced, and I'm very impatient about it all.

So tell me, do you struggle with how long writing takes? I see my friends getting agents and landing deals, and I'm just over here polishing a novel I've been working on forever.

Check out the Ninja Captain, Alex, and say thanks to this month's cohosts: T. Powell Coltrin, Victoria Marie Lees, Stephen Tremp, Renee Scattergood, and J.H. Moncrieff!


  1. Just recently, yes. Struggling to get anything finished is an issue. But you've just proved that perseverance pays off, what with this being some of your best work. Well done :)

  2. I struggle to get my writing projects done on schedule all the time, believe me. You're definitely not alone. Right now I'm struggling with my novella feeling like it's never going to get done especially when I normally don't write long fiction (I'm more a short fiction writer). But because the idea for it is developing so good I've been sticking with it. But I'm more than two months behind on submitting my short fiction to markets. And my day job doesn't help. Well maybe a little in that it helps me focus better and commit better to writing my fiction. Still meeting the deadlines is a struggle. I never meet them though the work does eventually get done. Just keep at it and do the best you can.

  3. If I let how long it takes me to write bother me, I'd have quit long ago. My fanfiction took over ten years, and my current, debut story has probably taken five already. I do get impatient sometimes, but I've resigned myself to the slow and steady pace. Just keep plodding along, especially if you believe this is the best story you've written so far.

  4. Glad you stuck with it! I've been working on the same one for two years, so I understand.

  5. Yes I struggle with that. Good thing I have an editor to hand scripts off to otherwise my rewrites would be endless.

  6. I really appreciate everyone's support. Thank you!

  7. I struggle with taking a long time to write, too, Rena. I'm glad that you feel you are doing some of your best work ever. I love the background on your blog ~ What a striking image of the Earth. All the best to you in 2020!

  8. Hi Rena, I can relate to what you're saying about the struggle you are facing on multiple fronts. I am on my very first chapter of my very first book and I feel like I'm a year behind already. I am completely new to IWSG and had to create a blog to even participate. Ha! Another side quest completed on my way to becoming an author. Yet in just the last couple of days, I am feeling buoyed by reading what others are going through and how they are finding support and encouragement. I'll be checking back to see how things are going! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Welcome to the club, Zaguzan! Writing is an interesting slice of life, and I hope you find the support you need to finish your book! Writing is a marathon, so good luck!

  9. I envy you for having the patience to actually devote a year to a book. I write short pieces only, even though I want to ultimately write a book. Still, I understand how frustratign it must be not to finish your work.


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