
Wednesday, June 26, 2024

It's been a minute

 It's been a while since I last posted, and things are weird now. I'm pretty sure only the bots and the scrapers are left, but that's okay. Writing is meant first for the writer. 

If on the off chance, there is a person reading this, Howdy from the Fever House (yes, I happen to have a fever right now, fun times). 

I'm supposed to be positive when I post on a blog, but I haven't done blogging in a very long time. Like so long I'm thinking of migrating somewhere else so the world can't see my large lapses in attempting to socialize. 

The short of it is that the last few years have been really hard in ways I had not realized they would be. I'm trying to dig out of the proverbial social media hole because rule number one about writers is that they need to be seen (or so I am told), and apparently people want to see behind the curtain. After three and a part years playing dodge the covid, I can guarantee that no one wants to see behind the curtain anymore. 

During the pandemic, I got a masters. I started a new DnD campaign. I wrote a lot of books. 

What's next? 

I'm going to try writing a series of loosely connected books. I'm going to rewrite some of those epic fantasies I have rolling around in my trunk, and then we'll see how things go.

1 comment:

  1. I have my own media lapses to account for, so no judgment here. Welcome back! Cheers for the masters and the many books written!


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