
Sunday, June 15, 2014

WRiTE Club is upon us!

I totally forgot to tell everyone about WRiTE Club. And then I checked my history and saw that I had told everyone about WRiTE club. I'm losing it (but did I ever really have it?)

Since the WRiTEs haven't started yet, I can still talk about WRiTE Club (for like another hour or two!).

What it is: It's a flash fiction contest with absolutely nothing on the line but bragging rights (I almost wrote "writes." Tired writer is delirious when nearly ready to send out to betas!).

How it works: Two 500 word stories go head to head. Anyone who shows up may vote--except the WRiTERS... wait, but it's all anonymous. hmm. Well, the hope is that enough people would show up to vote that there wouldn't be a WRiTE that close. We'll see.

So, go to DL Hammons Blog as the WRiTEs are about to start. Read through and cast your vote! Yes, YOU!

"But I didn't enter."

Doesn't matter, you can still VOTE!

So go over to the competition and vote... you know, after the first WRiTe goes up. And come back for more! There will be 2 WRiTEs per week, so come back for more. Vote, read, make friends and watch as the EPiC battles unfold for the ultimate bragging.


  1. Looking forward to reading the entries.

  2. Yay! I'm super excited to see which entries made it through. Hopefully my favs


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