
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Stupid silly fan girl moment

So, I've been slowly becoming addicted to subscription boxes (to be clear, slowly was, one month I had one subscription box and the next month I realize I'm signed on for four, and contemplating a fifth--No, I don't have a problem, why do you ask?)

I signed up because I've been suffering from a bit of apathy when it comes to reading. Sometimes, books really strike a cord and I  love them. Sometimes, books that I feel like I should really love are just sort of "meh."

I ran into too many of the "meh" books--and these books sold really, really well, that I was starting to doubt my whole "reads enough to consider being a writer" thing. It was bad.

So I made sure that one of my subscription boxes was for books (two of them are for books, but that's a longer story).

Subscription boxes are expensive, so I laid out some rules:

Rule 1. I would read everything they sent me.

Rule 2. If I couldn't be bothered to read it, I'd cancel the subscription.

Rule 3. If I liked it, I'd make sure to tell others about it and rate the book on Amazon and Goodreads.

How'd it go?

So a couple weeks ago, I got my first box. It was a Lit Cube box

Inside was the book Spelled, by Betsy Schow. And it was a blast. It was light hearted, fun, adventurous and a retelling of a fun favorite bit of story. It had enough hints of the original Wizard of Oz books that it kept tickling the old memories from when I was a kid, and it was just fun. I had a hard time with the first couple chapters, but then everything was smooth sailing after those first bits of chapters. I'll be posting my reviews up on Goodreads and Amazon soon. In the mean time, it was a fun read, and I enjoyed it.


  1. I've never heard of subscription boxes. Must check this out. And yes, I've ran into a lot of those meh books this year. Thankfully the WOOHOO books always bring me back to happy town. :)

  2. That's pretty cool. ^_^ I've heard about subscription boxes, but I've never liked the idea of paying money to get something and not knowing what it is. But it sounds like you've got a good way to handle this, and if it leads to reading more great books, then awesome.

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