
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

IWSG: a little something

Insecure Writer's Support Group is brought to you by the concerted efforts of The NINJA Captain, Alex. This month he's roped Julie Flanders, Murees Dupé, Dolorah at Book Lover, Christine Rains, and Heather Gardner into cohosting, so be sure to visit their blogs and give them a high five for patrolling the neighborhood.

I am not gonna lie: I had a super deep and meaningful post lined up. But sometimes, deep and meaningful isn't as important as a laugh (or even a smile). So without further ado, I unleash upon the internet my first comic!

Feel free to repost, pin, whatever, but please link it back to me.


  1. A good chuckle is always good medicine. I think writers everywhere will relate to your comic strip! Love it!

  2. Hah! So true. That's why all my iwsg posts sound the same

  3. Are you suggestion that we writers are sad a lot? Er, yeah, I guess you're right. Sigh. Great cartoon.

  4. That's hilarious. ^_^ And painful, because the truth hurts (he said, knowing that editing his query and first 500 words was on the agenda once he was done reading fellow writers' blogs).

  5. LOL. It is sort of an all one way rollercoaster. It does get a little better when you're putting more stuff out there. With multiple submissions to track you can't spend all your angst on any one of them.

  6. Haha.. cute! I imagine this will be my house once I start submitting!

  7. LOL! Yes. It's so true. My hubby said it was emotionally exhausting watching me go through the cycle. It was killing him. =)


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