
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Olympics and Summer

w00t! How's everyone's summer? Mine's been interesting. And I think that's the nicest thing I can say about it so far. On the plus side, I've been to some museums, got to tour other cities (for all the wrong reasons, but you know, lemons become lemonade), and I've been working on my art.

I'm pretty excited about the upcoming Olympics. And to celebrate the upcoming Olympic games, I'm doing a blog tour for my book, Of Pens And Swords, as the main character, Cyra, desperately wants to go to the Olympics.

Go check out Elsie's blog and Katie's blog. Don't forget to enter for a chance to win an ebook copy of my first title!

And before I go, What events are everyone gearing up for? I, for one, cannot wait for the equestrian competition to start!


  1. I love the rowing and the long jump (yep, I know, pretty random!)

  2. I'm not too interested in the Olympics this year. All they ever show on TV is diving and swimming. Yawn. Of course, since we get Canadian stations here in Michigan, we will get a better mix of coverage.

  3. And now I'm curious about what all the wrong reasons are. >_< As for the Olympics, no real interest on my part, as I've got too many other things to look forward to this summer. See you in not much more than a month for DragonCon!


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