
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Under Paintings

I don't know how, but I've managed to survive to another Insecure Writer's Blog Post! It was a narrow thing on my part, I assure you. So if you haven't heard of the Insecure Writers support Group, head on over to the Ninja Captain, hop on the Linky and say "Howdy" to this month's cohosts Yolanda Renee, Tyrean Martinson, Madeline Mora-Summonte , LK Hill, Rachna Chhabria, and JA Scott! .

This month, I'm insecure about not having masterpieces fall from my finger tips. I know, I know, I need to give myself some credit because just the writing of a first draft is both hard and important. It's actually been slowing me down as I write, this need to have everything perfect as it hit's the page, but then I remember: this is a first draft.

Say it with me folks: First Drafts have permission to suck.

You know what doesn't have permission to suck? The final draft.

But I keep getting the two confused in my head, so I'm trying to remind myself that my first drafts are like under paintings. Sometimes, in painting, you sort of sketch out the form of what you're going to paint in muted colors. It's to give you a road map for when you're really slinging the paint around.

Here's one of my recent paintings with it's underpainting.
This is me not being finished
And this is me being finished.

So yeah, I need to pull back a little bit and judge my first draft by the standards of a first draft.


  1. Loved the painting. A great anthology for the first and final draft! Most definitely! And it will not suck when you've finished, of that I have no doubts!

  2. If you mean the bones of the work, I agree completely. Not only are first draft bad, sucky bad, they help us figure out what is in and what is out. Hang in there. :-)

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  3. I can't draw, so even the first version impressed me. For me, the first draft is the fun part because no one can see it and judge it. It's the later revised drafts that get to me. Because eventually I have to make them polished enough that readers can enjoy them. That's where my insecurities lie.

  4. First drafts are hard work! But I can be impatient and want to get a finished and polished ms straight away! Loved your painting analogy.

  5. That's very cool!
    The final one is where it needs to shine. That's why my writing motto is Thou Shall Not Suck.

  6. That was an excellent way to put it, and I like the visual aid. ^_^


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