
Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Things I love: The FLASH

Now let’s be clear, if we’re talking about the DC universe, my favorite has always been Green Lantern (though, Wonder Woman is making a heck of a comeback!), but Flash is a close second. And the Flash on CW has been no disappointment!

So yeah, I’m totally loving this TV show, and I have a hard time getting into TV shows (I blame the cancelling of Firefly and the wishy washy handling of the end of Babylon 5).  But why do I love The Flash?

I find there are some tropes that I love coming back to (super hero loses power, friend rescued, betrayal of teacher figure, magical girl transformation), so as you can see the first season absolutely played in my wheelhouse. Season two played it strong as well. For me, the weakest season so far was season three (with a few notable high points), but I suspect my not enjoying season 3 was that I have a hard time with the self fulfilling prophecy trope, which was played on REALLY big for the whole time. I have my fingers crossed for Season 4. 

Alright, this one’s just a short post because I’ve got some writing work to do (OMG, Less than a month before my next book comes out!!!!!). 

What TV shows are you into? What's are your favorite tropes in stories?


  1. I like the love story tropes...or the good beating evil butt.

    Congrats on the next book!

    1. Thanks! I love good beating evil, and I do enjoy a good romance.

  2. I've enjoyed it although it goes through phases where I don't as much. After watching Legion, no other superhero television show can compare.
    I'm with you on Green Lantern. Bummer he won't be in the Justice League movie.

    1. I'm going to have to check out Legion, but I'm still holding out hope for Green Lantern.

  3. The only show I watch in this genre is Agents of SHIELD, which tends to get ignored because it's takes place in the same world as the Marvel movies but nothing from it ever shows in the movies. >_< I still enjoy it, though.

  4. OMG! The first four seasons of Babylon 5 were so great. Too bad about that last season. If only TNT (I think that was the original network) had promised to keep it for all five years, a lot of those problems of that season would have gone away.


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