
Monday, June 11, 2012

Dropping the ball, but not the chair...

I didn’t mean to drop off like that, but my grandmother had heart attack. It’s very serious, and, to be honest, quite probably fatal. I’m not here to solicit your kind thoughts but to share one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a really long time. My family has always dealt with great pain with humor, and like a cowboy and his coffee, we take ours black.

While trying to get information over the phone about reflexive versus cognitive motion, I noticed that I was standing next to two evacuation wheel chairs. No big deal, and quite frankly a hospital with a cardiac ICU on the fifth floor should have way more than two chairs (two chairs? Who chooses who goes first????).

Anyhow, as I paced back and forth, I noticed that someone had taken a moment to draw the most hilarious graffiti onto the demonstration picture.

Seriously? Genius. Pure graffiti genius.

For the record, I almost never feel like the guy pushing the wheel chair. The other guy pretty much sums up my feelings about the real world.

Have a great week.


  1. I will forgo the sympathy and merely say: may the tides turn for you. May you soon be the pusher rather than the pushee.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your grandmother. Glad you were able to find something to make you smile! :)

  3. I think it is awesome that your family uses humor to help cheer everyone up during tough times. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

    I have an given you the Liebster Award on my blog. Feel free to stop by sometime to pick it up.


    1. We've always done it, but I sometimes wonder if we are the worst people in the hospital. There we are telling jokes in the ICU and laughing (whenever more than two of us are in the same room, it's a competition of laughter).

      And then right next door, a doctor says "I need help." The ICU turns into a scary place where death creeps down the hall. We were just laughing, and then someone died.

  4. LOL! That is genius!

    Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Thinking of you.

  5. hope grandma is comfortable. and laughter is definitely cathartic! great graphic!

  6. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. It's tough right now, but I'm hoping for the best, whatever outcome that is.

  7. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. I've been where you are, with my dad, so I know it can be scary. I will keep your family in my thoughts.

    My family does the same thing. On both my side and my hubby's. It's the only way we know how to cope. I'm glad you were able to find a little bit of humor in your day.

  8. I love that graffitti.

    Sorry to hear about your grandmother. Our family is the same when it comes to dealing with the serious stuff - there's always room to find a smile. My thoughts are with you.

    I've also tagged you in an award - I'll understand if you don't have time to participate though.

  9. Hope your grandmother recovers.

    That graffiti made me laugh so loud it woke my teenage son up.

    1. Oh man, you woke a teenager with your laughter? That's impressive. When I was a teenager, I needed something around 80-100 decibels before I'd even roll over.

  10. I find that humour is the best way to deal with most things in life - and it keeps people close in tough times, especially families. Best wishes to your grandmother.

  11. Thank you all for you kind words. My grandmother passed this afternoon.


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