
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Umm, is that normal?

My life is always full of strange moments, like the time the parasailer hit my car and flew away (no really, that happened).

Today, while working away, I heard a loud pop from my fridge. I didn't remember storing explosives in the fridge, so I went to investigate. Surely, I would remember storing firecrackers or low grade ordinance in my fridge. Hand grenades leave an impression, you know?

Well, little did I know, parsnips should be duel classified: tasty white carrot and explosive.

Yeah, that's right, I had a parsnip explode in my fridge. I guess I know what to say the next time someone asks me what makes my soup "pop."

"Well, you know how explosive parsnips can be."


  1. so, science lady dr, why do they explode???
    my son would love an exploding vagetable to experiment on!

    1. Parsnips don't usually explode. I'm about to head out of town for a couple days (no need to worry, someone is still at the house), and since I'm the one who cooks, I wanted to make sure my ingredients would be okay when I got back. One way to do this is to take certain vegetables out of the plastic baggies from the grocery store. Well, I'd put some water in with them, and vegetables are still alive when you buy them (that's right, we cook them alive). So this parsnip was saturated in water then I took it out of it's plastic baggie so it wouldn't mold. That's when the magic happened. Humidity has been hovering right around 9% here, so the suddenly dry environment made the outer skin dehydrate and contract rapidly.

      Basically, it exploded because it's skin started shrinking around it, and this gets sort of creepier the more I talk about it: alive when we cook them, shrinking skin, maybe I really run a vegetable torture center. So the parsnip's skin shrank too quickly for the rest of it to dehydrate, and it exploded (with a pop, mind). There was a giant rupture seam down the length of it, and the act had caused it to fall from the dish I'd set it on.

      Carrots do this all the time, when you see them split in the grocery, this is what's happened to them. I was just startled by the thump from my fridge. It's usually pretty quiet...

  2. Woah! That's crazy! I am warned...

  3. Wow. Well, I don't know a lot (anything) about parsnips, but that doesn't sound normal to me!

    1. definitely not normal, usually parsnips are very laconic vegetables.

  4. the only thing i can think of to respond with is "wtf." this is better than the time i went to the er and sat next to the dude who came in because he was radioactive. (true story)


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