
Monday, August 6, 2012

And for my next trick...

I’ve spent most of the weekend reducing piles of cloth into clothing and hats with nothing but a sharp pointed stick of metal and some string.

It sounds pretty mystical when you say it like that, but really, there’s very little magical about sewing. The most impressive thing about sewing is that we pay other people to do it for us (and they have the gall to charge $80 for a pair of slacks??? You must be joking). With sewing, the most difficult part is taking something that is completely flat and fitting it onto a human body, which is not (unless you’re a 10 year old boy, but even they have some curves). You have to know how to sew curved edges to straight edges, and once you crack that mystical barrier, the whole sewing thing steadily becomes easier.(I have pictures, but I can't find that silly cord that connects my computer to a camera.)

But it’s not really that simple. I took my considerable experience and sewed a witch's hat, and learned once again that I do not know everything I need to know about sewing (the hat is too small for me to wear, so I’ll be crafting another or getting some bobby pins to hold it in place…).

Writing is sort of like that. Using nothing but twenty six letters and a handful of punctuation, we build whole worlds. It sounds pretty mystical when you say it like that. Once we have the basics, we can put our thoughts onto paper for someone else to experience. How cool is that? Sure we make mistakes, and sometimes we put a curve where there should be a straight line, and the hat's too small to wear. That's part of the process, that's a rewrite. I'm really enjoying my writing and my sewing. But I’m only human, and making costumes takes a lot of time. So does revising a dissertation. Also, next week is Write On Con. Because I’m only human, I think I’m going to blog a little bit less. I don’t know for how long these tasks will slow me down, but expect a few cheating posts where I show off my L337 Ski11z with a needle and thread. I’m also signed up for a couple blogfests that I’ve already done a bunch of leg work for, so that’s what you can expect out of August. I promise I'm still around, just not as much...

Also, if you haven’t seen, the Game On Blog Tour started today!


  1. That's an interesting comparison, Rena. Of course, I have no idea how to sew. I've been meaning to learn again, I did some in high school. I look forward to seeing pictures of what you've done!

    1. I've been sewing for a LOOONNNGGG time, so a lot of it is just practice/experience. And once I locate that silly cord, I'll have too many pictures....

  2. What a great comparison! I have no clue about sewing - that is a skill I was not blessed with!

    Thanks for the Game On shoutout! :D

    1. Hey, No problem! I hope your tour is a huge success.

  3. I have never even attempted to sew and I know I would suck. LOL. YAY! For Game On Blog Tour.

    1. Sewing is all about practice and experience. When I first learned, I wasn't trusted with things like cloth, they made me sew paper, and my task was to follow the line. It wasn't easy, but I got it. Sort of like writing...

  4. I once had to make tuxedo pants for a ten year old boy. They were so tight I had to cut them off him -- but I did it down the outside of each leg and added a strip of sequined fabric when reassembling. They were great in a very fabulous, Christmas play, way. He wanted to keep them when everything was done.

    I do a lot of costumes, but hold back for making day wear because of my secret shame. Zippers. :(

    Writing is a lot like sewing, making something out of nothing. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Zippers are tricky. The best thing I can suggest for zipper work is to give yourself a slightly wider seam allowance, narrow hem everything, and if all else fails, use a gusset to hide the problem/give yourself more room.

  5. I think it is pretty apt to compare sewing a new hat to rewrites. Sometimes it's so frustrating to start again, but maybe we learned something the first, or third time around?

    1. The only annoying thing about this is that I have to go get more fabric for the hat. As it was my first hat ever, I'm not really shocked that I botched it. Funny, how I came to accept that I'd need to sew from scratch a new hat with ease, but the thought of doing it to a novel makes me consider running for the hills?

  6. I sewed a pair of pants one time with lots of help. I couldn't do it by myself though!

    1. My first ten pairs of pants were strangely bunchy/baggy in all the wrong places. Once I got the hang of them, I started adding a bit more flare (fancy pockets, strange fly configurations, etc.).

  7. great comparison. my mom & sister sew. i didnt get that gene. i think a knack for it helps!

  8. I don't know how to sew. If I need something done I ask my mother. But... I guess that's kinda like writing. If we're unsure about an idea or whatever, we ask our CPs :)


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