
Friday, April 12, 2013

Call the GARDS!!!*

You know, it’s Friday, and I haven’t watched Legolas by Laura in a long time. Sure it’s been around, but really, this is worth seven minutes.

Now before you watch you should know some things: 

a) This is fanfic (dubbed badfic for reasons).

b) It’s unknown if Laura (the writer of this) was actually a Troll. Apparently someone claiming to be the author said they wrote it badly on purpose. Someone also claiming to be the writer said they wrote it badly because they have learning disabilities.

I’m going to tag this one as not totally safe for work. Not because there are naked bodies (all the parts are covered up) but because you’ll probably start laughing too hard to hear the next joke.

*(that’s misspelled on purpose)


  1. I love how horribly bad this is!!! Hilarious!!! I also love how the "Dark Lord" of "Mondor" is the emperor from Star Wars... and he lives in Castle Grayskull.

    1. I know!!!! One of my favorite parts though is the nuke that goes off around Gandalf. You know, there is no one favorite part, it's all just too much (and Castle Grayskull made my day).

  2. I feel bad for whomever wrote this, but it was pretty funny!

    1. I agree. It would be a terrible thing to be the notorious Laura. And this is the fan fic in its totality. It's pretty impressive (and lacking in punctuation!)

  3. Oh my. I think my favorite part in the whole thing was the bit where Laura was labeled "Mary Sue", not. It's like the hobbit/star wars on drugs. I seriously have to go detox now. =)

    1. Yes, it is an epic piece... just not epic good.

  4. Okay, this is hilarious! I'm glad I waited until I got home from work to watch it. :)
    It also made me realize how difficult 'good' storytelling really is. Characters running around rescuing each other and falling in love does not an epic make!

    1. Yes, the first time I watched it I laughed so hard I missed half of it. What's amazing is that it is actually word for word the fan fic (which is why some people think it's a troll). So funny.

  5. reading thru recent posts...

    i love when characters go on tangents & surprise you, it means the story has life!

    talent v skill, i agree, but the best writers have both because the writing flows and their voice is magnificent. its also very subjective, who knows which voice will lull the masses!

    and i am sad the video didnt come thru on my ipad =( oh well... thanks for visiting me during this crazy month!

    1. The thing about characters going on tangents is that I'm still in ACT I !!! I never wallow around in act I like this. But they've got stuff to say, and it's a big scary world out there.

      And I'm so sad you didn't get to see Legolas by Laura... it is a historic piece of literature, brought to live action in slavish detail.


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