
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

IWSG A little can go a long way

For those of you who don’t know, this is the monthly installment of the Insecure Writer’s Support Group hosted by The Ninja Captain and his lovely co-hosts Chemist Ken, SL Hennessy, Michelle Wallace, and Joylene Nowell Butler. And this month is the two year anniversary. So hop on the Linky, release your fears and securities into the world (or offer up some words of encouragement), and join us.

Usually I have something about how you have to dig deep in yourself, or how this whole process can crush your heart and soul beneath the cog of publishing, but I’ve been really slim on words of encouragement.

I’ll admit, I’m not that good at them. I feel awkward when I’m trying to tell someone that I’m over the moon about their work. At DragonCon, I got a book signed by the wonderful and lovely Beth Revis (she was so awesome!) and the whole time I was thinking “be cool, Rena, don’t do the crazy fan girl thing. Someday you’ll be in her shoes if you’re lucky. Freshmen who freak at the seniors have a much harder time than the ones who just recognize the world turns.”

And then we left, with me having barely said what I’d come to say “I loved your books. Thanks for writing them!”

And that made me think about the words of encouragement I’ve received. A tiny little sentence floated to the top.

Many of you may remember that I was sewing like crazy before Dragon Con to get my costumes done. I was moaning about how there was so little time left, and I hadn’t even started working on one of the costumes. The fearless Ninja Captain commented something really simple, “I bet you finish.”

It was transformative for someone else to have faith in my ability. And I was cutting things close (last seam at 11:30pm with a departure at 6 am the next morning), but having someone say they thought I could do it transported me from the anxious “OMG am I going to finish????” To, “I got this, just a matter of time.”

Too often, I see people out there just killing it, and what I should be saying to them is “Bet you can.” I know the writing community has the whole support thing covered, but sometimes you just don’t know how much simple words can change attitudes.

That’s all I’ve got people: say the words of support that are on the tips of your fingers. The small effort on your part could be the difference between a novel and yet another project trunked when the going got tough.


  1. It's amazing what one voice can do... ONE person who believes. It really can make or break you. I'm a bit low on confidence myself this month, but I truly appreciated this post, Rena. I always enjoy your posts. :)

  2. This is a great post, Rena. It's so true. Finding the IWSG has helped me in so many ways. There are so many supportive writers out there and those words of encouragement really do mean a lot.
    Having read some of your work, I know you'll be sharing success stories before you know it! :)

  3. Those words mean so much!! Which is yet another reason to love bloggy friends :)

  4. I agree with you Rena. Sometimes a few words of encouragement can mean so much. There are some wonderful supportive folks in this writing community.

  5. Nice. "bet you can" should definitely be a motto

  6. The words of support I've received from the members of IWSG have been very beneficial to me. How in the world did writers do this in the years before writing became a community effort?

  7. "I believe in you".
    Those simple words made all the difference when I was down. I'm not surprised that encouragement from our Ninja Captain helped you so much. What a guy! Writes, plays guitar, Sage of the Blogosphere, and Obi Wan Kenobi also.

  8. You're totally right. And this writing community is ridiculously supportive. I love you guys!

  9. Aw, I like this post. Simple words can make a huge difference. It seems whenever I'm discouraged about all this book marketing and am ready to chuck it, someone comes along and says just the right thing about one of my books to make me know I owe it to them to keep at it. :)

  10. Wonderful post. Someone else believing in you can make all the difference. I've met some of my favorite authors at conventions. I met George R.R. Martin once and I completely lost my voice! I'm just glad I didn't squeak or faint.

  11. You did it! And you got to meet Beth. That is so cool. Wish I could meet more of the authors I admire here In the blogging world.
    I still remember some of the first people to believe in my work. It does make a difference.

  12. It's always good to remember the effect a few words can have on other people. Great IWSG post!

    Kim Lajevardi
    (This Writer's Growing)

  13. How sweet. You shoulda went all fan girl...I mean, can that ever get old? I don't think so. And I bet you will have fan girls and you will appreciate their exuberance!

  14. It's awesome you got to meet a favourite author. I never say exactly what I want to when I'm talking because the conversation always veers off. But in writing, it's much easier. Well done for finishing your costume too :-)

  15. Just like you never know how much a smile or wedge of cheese can do, eh?

    I try to smile at everyone. Silly, I know, but it's a way to add a little sunshine everywhere you go.

  16. Ah! Beth Revis! So jealous!!!

    And I knew you would finish too :)

  17. That's so cool you got a book signed by Beth Revis! And I love the point you're making--our words of encouragement really do matter! If we have good thoughts about someone else, why not share them? LOVE IT! They really do make a difference, because you never know when someone is having a bum day!

  18. I'm so late visiting here! It's so true, thanks for reminding me the power of simple words of encouragement. "I bet you can" - perfect. Love Beth Revis' books, too.


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