
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Do as I say

So yeah, I’ve started NaNo like a real champion.

I’ve written less than 2K, and we’re five days in.

I’ve been on vacation. I’ve knitted a couple of fingerless mitts. I’ve packed boxes, and I’ve cleaned house.

I have not WRITTEN so much as a FIRST CHAPTER **tears hair out**

Right, so if you’re interested in completing the NaNo challenge, then don’t do what I do. It’s not helping.

Maybe I’m just being a good sport. For me, NaNo isn’t hard unless external conditions tank. So maybe I’m really just giving everyone else a head start. 

Time to hit the keyboard.


  1. I have never finished a NaNo. I guess I'm oppositional defiant.

  2. Oh boy, you have some writin' to do! You do know that any words you write this month are more than you'd have if you hadn't given it a shot? Congrats on signing up and taking this on. It's not for the faint of heart.
    Besides, all is not lost. There are many, many days left in November to catch up. :)


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