
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Bits and pieces (or the stone soup of posts)

I’m closing in on a milestone of my dissertation rewrite (no, not a first draft of the dissertation, but the first draft of chapter one), so I’m a little scatterbrained…and by a little, I mean I’ve lost my mind. Since a coherent post isn’t coming any time soon, I thought I’d drop a few random things that have come to my attention recently.

This is the tea thief. The cute is just a facade.
First: apparently my cat has developed a taste for tea. I’m a big tea drinker, and the other day, my cat jumped into my lap and started drinking my tea right from my cup—while I was holding the mug! I mean really, the least he could do is wait for me to not be looking. And since he so rarely sits in anyone’s lap I know I was being used. Now it’s a constant battle of watching my tea mug and placing it where he can’t get to it. He’s taken to retaliating by lying on my laptop, so I constantly have bits of cat hair poking out from the edges of the screen. I’m starting to consider just brewing him his own cup to keep him off mine…

And caffeinated feline just ain’t pretty.

My 250 person class is alternately a complete hoot and a complete pain in the posterior. I get twenty emails a day asking basically the same question (where are the online notes? How do I take the quiz? How do I make up the quiz that I missed?). I have two people with exactly the same name (even the spelling: first, last, same middle initial). And apparently 250 people is the magic number to get students to start duplicating everything, including excuses. In the first two weeks of my class I’ve had three students have their wisdom teeth pulled, two students sprain their ankles (hello, crutches? I never missed a class because of a broken bone or sprained joint, even the time I broke my arm at midnight and had a nine am class, I was there), and five undisclosed family emergencies. I have a student trying out for an Olympic team.

Right, well, I think I’ll sign off while I’m ahead, because the random is compounding. I’m hearing voices, and Insecure Writers group is coming up soon.


  1. LOL I've recently discovered that my beagle jumps up on my desk chair when I leave the room to drink my coffee. When she hears me returning, she jumps down and runs back to her spot on the couch, feigning innocence. Now... my question is... how long has this been going on and how long have I been drinking dog slobber with my caffeine?

    1. Yeah, I have that same problem with my dog drooling on the couch where I like to sit. When I get up, he lies right where I like to sit, but he gets down by the time I get back. Then I sit in puddle of dog drool.

  2. I was typing this a moment ago and my laptop just seemed to take it away so if you get duplicate posts from me, my apologies. Perhaps, I will rethink what I was writing. What refined tastes your cat must have. Is this a Green tea or regular? I find it impressive that you made it to an early morning class after breaking your arm. I must admit, I would have stayed home and whined for at least a day.

    1. He takes his tea black. And as for the class that I went to with a broken arm, it wasn't badly broken and by then I was in grad school, and the prof was something of a stick in the mud. He would not have taken a broken arm as a decent excuse.

  3. AWW, your tea-stealing cat is ADORABLE!

    Sounds like you have your hands full with your class. Good luck!

    1. Thank you, he's a real character. Someday I'll do a pet spotlight on him.

  4. The student trying out for the Olympic team is obviously very talented. Whether it is at sport, or simply creative excuses, who knows?

    1. actually, her coach came to talk to me. Turns out that if you're good enough to try out for the Olympics, your coach is willing to meet with crazy Science teachers to smooth the way.

  5. Those are some interesting excuses. You have lots of fun dealing with them. :D

    I've given you the Versatile Blogger Award! Pop over to my blog for details!


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