
Monday, February 6, 2012

Hearing voices Blog fest

Right, so today is the start of hearing voices, the fantastic Blogfest by Cassie and Angie. For details head over here and sign up. To start things off, we’re going to have a little sit down with one of my characters to get to know him better. His name is Warwick, and he is actually a bad guy. I’d apologize since all the other posts I’ve read this morning are starring these likeable MC’s, but I’ve always been sort of fascinated with the bad guys, so this week, it’s all about the villains.

1.What is your biggest vulnerability? Do others know this or is it a secret?
I’m a guy, what do you think? A woman: Raijin.

2. What do people believe about you that is false?
Pick one? Damn, and I thought working for the man was hard. One thing? Well if it’s one thing then it’s everything. I’m not who anyone thinks I am. I am not the bad guy, and despite my ex-wife’s assertions I am not an asshole. I am not a heartless bastard, I’ve just dared to dream there is more to this existence than falling in step with our great masters who destroyed themselves. I mean really, they’re all dead—or as good as, if they’re all hiding from the rest of us—and exactly how does that make them good role models? No, I don’t buy this bullshit, but I’m not a bad person. Everyone should have a choice, a real choice.

3. What would your best friend say is your fatal flaw? 
She’d say I was a heartless asshole, so I’m not sure she counts as my best friend anymore, but if Raijin had to pick it would be my inability to devote myself to any cause, just, worthwhile or otherwise. She thinks I’m a drifting looser who only got into the Knights to ask her to marry me (she is, of course, correct).
4. What would the same friend say is your one redeeming quality? 
Raijin doesn’t think I have redeeming qualities anymore. She said she used to love me, but that I’m a sack of lies, a political creature with more heads than a hydra. I’m not saying I haven’t lied once or twice, but who did she think she was marrying? I have never lied to her which is, of course, part of the problem. So that’s my one redeeming quality: I have never lied to the woman I love.

5. What do you want most? 
Freedom, and not that bullshit they talk about but real freedom.


  1. Insightful interview! Would love to hear some more back story on this character!

    1. Thank you, Kyra. In brief: Warwick is an alien (this is from my Middle-aged Super Hero in Space novel, or project sanity) who joined a group of peace keeping space cops similar to the Green Lantern corps (no, my novel does not have short blue guys). It was his future (and former) wife's dream, and to match stride, he got involved. Turns out he didn't like being in this group, but when he did some research he uncovered some unfortunate history that this particular group had. That lead to some poor decisions, a little bit of obsession and a divorce (it's hard to be married and member of this group). And that's pretty much where we find him for the interview.

  2. Great interview! The heartless asshole comment made me laugh. (New follower)

    1. And Oh man! Warwick really can be a heartless jerk, but he's that way more because of what he believes than out of actual malice. Still, there's a lot of baggage between those two.

  3. This is awesome Rena! What a great character. I'm almost swayed to his side. And his redeeming quality! Wow, that blew me away for a villain. Nice job!

    1. Thanks Angela,

      Warwick is still incredibly in love with Raijin, so life has been hard on him as he watches her over on the side of the opposition, but if life were easy, we wouldn't write stories about it.

  4. Poor guy seems like he's having a tough time. It's always nice to 'pet the dog' and you did a great job.

    1. Yes, poor Warwick is in the thick of some really bad choices.

  5. how is he the bad guy? he's like han solo, a hero covered in tough guy goo =)
    great voice!

    1. He's the bad guy because he is the lackey for an ancient problem. My villains are often pretty nice guys with some bad choices on their plate and the resolution to dive a little farther into the insanity than others for an idea.

  6. Wow. Commanding presence. I'm pretty sure he's a bad guy with a heart. Those make great villains :)

    1. Yes, Carol, that is exactly what's going on with Warwick. His heart is so far in the right place that he cannot see the damage he's causing.

  7. Interesting voice and interesting premise.

    1. Thanks, Sara. This is one of my all time favorite premises, so I'm very excited about this WIP.

  8. Someone's got a bit of drama in their life ^_~

    1. Oh Gwen, you have that one nailed. He has enough drama to start his own club (they even have jackets).

  9. Now this is what I call an interesting interview :-)

    1. Thank you, Sarah. I'm a big believer in the interesting villain, after all, they are almost half the story.

  10. I love his redeeming quality. He sounds like quite a guy.

    1. It's funny, but his redeeming quality is from a Role Playing game that went on for a very long time. It was the one quality of this backstabbing house that no one who was a member of the family would lie to anyone else in the family (everyone else in the world was fair game, though).

  11. I like how the only problem with him was that he never lied. Really. LOL.

  12. This was actually a very cool idea. I just wanted to stop by and thank you for stopping by my blog last week. I apologize for coming by so late.

  13. I want to know more about the hardnose guy. So interesting!

  14. He's a strong character. Makes me wonder where you are going with him. Intriguing!

  15. Is he supposed to be a villain? Cause as grumpy as he sounds, I think he could be like-able by the end of the book. I'll be following you now!

  16. He's fantastic, even if he is a villain! The bad guys are some of the most interesting to read. This is great. Love the voice!

  17. Awesome! I love the voice he has and he's so likable, even though he's a total bad dude. Love it!

  18. He sounds like one of those guys we love to hate! I don't think there was any need to apologise, villains can be so fascinating!


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