
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

So what do you get when you mix blog awards and rule breaking?

I got tagged by Jess Stork over at Ink Spot Splot, and that made me realize that my grand plans are falling apart. See, I’ve received a number of awards, but then I did not pass them on. Awards are fun, and I think we should pass them on, but now I’m in the terrible position of having a few too many to pass on. I have Leibsters and Kreatives and Versatiles (oh my), and the problem with letting them pile up like that is that they sort of lose their potency when you just pass them all out all at once like that (“yet another reason not to procrastinate, Rena” my conscious said to me, tapping her foot). So I’m not going to dilute those awards by handing them all out all at once.

Besides, they have so many rules, and I’m just not good with rules. I break rules.

So instead of following the rules, I’ve decided to take these awards, melt them together and hope they’re like chocolate and marshmallows when it comes to s’mores. I’m making a new award.

Here’s my recipe:
Take one part Leibster
(Thanks Jen)

One part Versatile blogger
(Thanks Carrie)

Two parts Kreative Blogger
(Thanks Kathy, and Elizabeth)

(I think I missed one, and this is why I should never procrastinate because I think it's from some time this summer... Bad Rena)

The reason that I’m making a new award is because these awards didn’t really fit what I wanted to say. There are people who made a big difference in my blogging world, and I want to thank them. Some of them stuck with me through my earlier, less knowledgeable times (you know, when I didn’t really respond to comments). From the first Liz to check out my blog because I naively put my name out there as if I really needed a crit partner (at the time my manuscript needed a shot gun, but tell that to my former self). My dreams aren’t here yet, but I’ve definitely launched (Fly? Yes. Land? No.) so I thought I’d take this opportunity to thank the people who have been there and helped me.

So, without further ado, I’d like to set forth the new award, the Dream Launcher Award. I don’t know if it’s totally meaningless, but even if this little jpeg is meaningless, the people I’m giving it to have meant a lot to me. You have made a huge difference in my steps towards becoming a “real” writer (even if they are baby steps). Thank you. 

Here's the list of people who I'm giving the Dream Launcher Award to (please go check out their blogs):

So now that you have the award, the rules are simple. There are no rules. Take it. Leave it. Give it to another hundred people who made your day, or hoard it for yourself. Put in your website. Forget you ever got it. Just know that I appreciate what you’ve done. Thank you.

p.s. Jess at Ink Splot, I’ll post my tag on Friday.


  1. Hi, new follower here. :) Congrats on your awards. Found your blog through a friend's and I just love the title of your blog!

    1. Hi Shelley, thanks for stopping by. I don't know how long I went over blog names, so thank you very much. I sometimes struggle with names

  2. WOW, this award really means a lot to me. Seriously, most are like, gee thanks. But your special words are awesome. And the award looks cool too. I don't think I would have pushed publish on my blog if I hadn't found you and Megan. ;0)

    1. You know, pushing the publish button was the first promise to myself that I really freakin meant to do this thing, and I've really enjoyed meeting so many wonderful people because of it. I'm really glad I helped you hit that scary button too (because, let's face it, it's a scary button!)

  3. Oh wow, Thank You Rena! What a cool award. I look forward to giving this one away...of course this means I'm going to have to give this to you too!

    1. You are welcome. And as I said, there are no rules. Feel no obligation to follow any.

  4. Thank you Rena (sounds like bean-a)! I am so happy and suprised and honored that you're giving me a Dream Launcher award. You have made a huge difference with my writing as well with some tough love and it's getting me (veeery slowly) to a better novel. :)

    1. I laugh every time I realize that my name is now forever etched in your brain as Rena (sounds like bean-a).

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. I've been meaning to do something about my awards for a while.

  6. I like the award recipe, very clever

    1. Thank you, I like the idea that you think it's clever rather than me actually being such a terrible procrastinator that the world caves in around me.

  7. Great idea for an award :) I've got quite a few people like that who helped me... and you're right... they do need to be recognized. I'll be looking forward to your post on the 11 questions!

    1. Well, feel free to steal it and pass it on. There are no rules.

  8. Thanks so much for the award!!

  9. What a great idea! Love it. And my son likes the image of the shuttle launching.

    1. Thanks, I'm a rabid space fan. I really wanted to be an astronaut when I was first getting into college (I actually still consider applying...)

  10. Sorry I'm so late, I've not been well, but I just had to comment and say thank you so much. Visiting your blog is an absolute pleasure.


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