
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hang in there!

And now for the second half of the hookers and hanger’s blog fest hosted by the lovely ladies over at Falling for Fiction. Check them out, they’re a great follow.

These are my three favorite hangers from my current work in progress, PRINCESS SINGULARITY (that’s a working title). 

Chapter 9
Magic was real, wishes came true, and it was only Wednesday.

Chapter 13
The problem with fancy dinners: I couldn’t decide which fork to stab him with.

Chapter 28
“No one screws with my happily ever afters!”

I wanted to lay a big thank you out to the organizers because this has been a fantastic blog hop. I’m always hesitant to sign up, and every time I do, I have the best time, so thanks again! (Seriously people, go check out Falling for Fiction, they are awesomesauce on Crème Brule).


  1. I love all of these, but I love, love, LOVE the first one!

  2. Hee hee, these are fantastic! I really like the second one! :D

  3. These are great! Love the second one too :)

  4. They are excellent. I hope it's alright to laugh at them because I did.

    1. Yes, laughter is a good sign. I tend to write humor, and these are no exception.

  5. LOVE all 3! They're seriously awesome!!! I want to read this book!

  6. I agree with everyone else. They're all great, but two is wonderful (it's own level)!

  7. You guys are so sweet. Thank you for stopping by.

  8. Those are fantastic one liners. Even knowing nothing about your book, they definitely gave me the feel for your voice and I love it.

  9. so hilarious! the stabbing one is the bet!

  10. Chapter 9 was wonderful, but 13 made me giggle! New follower here via the bloghop. Nice to meet you.

  11. Ha! That second one is brilliant!

  12. Really great hangers! I can't even pick a favorite cause I loved them all! :)

  13. It is both 13 and 28 for me, they cracked me up!

  14. I am dying these are all so great. So much spunk with your character. I like the title too!!

    Thanks for joining us!

  15. Funny hangers. The one about the fork is a good one.

  16. Just too funny! I loved the fork ending. It's like put a fork in him, he's done! Great endings:)

  17. These have so much humor. I LOVE them. This sounds like a fantastic read. Nice job!

  18. Again, awesome lines! My fave is the 2nd one but they are all fab!

  19. I LOVE CREME BRULE!!! haha :) Thanks for comparing us to that :)

    And this line is just awesome:

    The problem with fancy dinners: I couldn’t decide which fork to stab him with.

    SO GOOD!


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