
Thursday, January 31, 2013

An open letter to Blueberry

Dear Blueberry,

I don’t know when it happened, but you’re in everything. I love you dearly, so I totally understand why people want you in their muffins, granola bars, as the juice to help freeze strawberries, and garnish for desserts. There’s just one problem: You make me sick. It’s me, not you. I think you need to know that, Blueberry, but I feel like we need to see other people. I’ve meet Currant, and I have to admit, you two have a lot in common. But Currant treats me better. Currant doesn’t make me sick and can be found in tea. I know you two look alike, but trust me, you are very different creatures.

I’m sorry it has to end this way Blueberry, but I just can’t take it anymore.

So, could you stop getting into those mixed berries, because I love the other berries, I just can’t handle you anymore.


Former Blueberry lover

I know I’m not the only one out there, but when I tell people I’m allergic to blueberries, they usually laugh. Not at my allergy, but that it’s such a strangely specific allergy. They ask about it repeatedly. “Blueberry? Really? I mean blueberry?”

“Yes, Blueberry.”

So this morning, at the coffee shop I usually go to on my way to work, they had baked goods. Of the six varieties, four had blueberries. Four. Of the non-blueberry selection, one had espresso beans, and the other was a cranberry orange peel (with giant bits of orange peel).

Anyone else have this problem, or am I whinging unnecessarily?


  1. I;m not allergic to anything. But I have irritable bowel (such a lady like affliction!) and have growing list of intolerable foods. Peanut Butter Captain Crunch and Pop Tarts high one the list. Sad, because like you, I really like them...but they hate me.

    1. Oh, I feel your pain. I'm such a pop tart fan, and because of blueberries, I can totally feel your pain when everyone around you is eating them.

  2. I was talking to someone the other day who is allergic to bananas - I find it odd how allergies can develop, but any allergy seems possible these days. I'm sure the blueberry love will end soon and we'll all love something else!

    1. Ouch, banana is a hard allergy to have. I weep at the thought of uneaten banana fosters, but I can't have blueberry muffins, so I know how it is.

      In the States right now, blueberries are all the craze because of the antioxidant phase everyone is going through. It'll pass, as they all do, but it's annoying when so many of my options get limited like that.

      Oh well, I shouldn't be eating muffins from the coffee shop anyway. It's not like they have their calorie count listed. *sigh*

  3. At least you tried to let Blueberry down easy. It's not your fault I passed him sitting on the curb, crying, on the way to my house, lol. Thought I'd throw a little humor in. If it didn't work, I apologize. It's a lot funier in person. But seriously, that's a sad allergy because it means you can't have blueberry muffins. :( Oh well, at least you can still eat strawberries. :)

    1. I love it Celeste. It might make me feel a little bit better knowing blueberry has somewhere to go. And the funny thing is that I absolutely loved blueberry muffins until I was about 16. I can even imagine the taste on my tongue--even the texture!--of fresh, hot, blueberry muffins. But alas, I just can't eat them anymore.

      And Yes, I can still have strawberry, and lucky for me, my true love: Blackberry!

  4. Corn. Connor is allergic to corn something fierce, and in nearly all of those toddler meals is corn. I tried picking it out, but it still gave him a bad diaper rash.

    Also, all mixed veggies have corn in them. So yeah...I feel your pain.

    1. Holy Krakatoa! Corn?? That's three shades of impossible there. I have my fingers crossed for Connor to outgrow it. I know that a lot of childhood allergies are, I'm just hoping. Man, corn is in everything.

  5. aw, you are missing out on all the bluberry deliciousness!
    oh well, more for us! hee hee

    & loved that you enjoyed my scientific fantasy definitions!

    1. Yes, more for the rest of you. I think though it might be time to start lobbying for a reintroduction of currant to the United States. Then I could drown my sorrows in a currant muffin... yummy currant...

  6. My daughter used to get sick from blueberries, so we had to keep them out of the house much to the chagrin of my other kids. But seeing as she was only two, and loved blueberries, she simply didn't understand why they could have them and she couldn't. Luckily, she seems to have outgrown it.

  7. I'm a weirdo who doesn't like berries of any kind. Bakeries need to make things with more chocolate!


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