
Friday, March 22, 2013

Falling behind

I’ve missed some things recently.

I missed the first day of spring.

I forgot to announce my A to Z theme.

I may have forgotten a bill or two along the way.

I even forgot to give the dogs their medicine.


This is sort of what happens to us writers on occasion. There are some writers who can keep all their schist together, but I’m not one of them. If I have an idea, or a burning need to finish a manuscript, dishes don’t get done. I have to reassign my chores to other people with a big fat I OWE YOU, because I get daffy when I’m on the hunt.

Okay, I’m not as bad as I’m making it sound, but sometimes I fell like the part of my brain that keeps stuff straight in the real world takes a vacation when I’m working on a manuscript.

So, to sum up: It’s Spring! A to Z is almost here (yikes! I haven’t scheduled a single post yet!!!), and I’m furiously working away.


  1. You pretty much summed up my last week. Good thing I'm taking a blog break next week. Lots of catching up to do. And YES! So looking forward to spring, wait ... why is there snow outside?! :)

    1. Yeah, the snow outside thing is so very not the problem we're having here. Everything's gone green and my roses are trying to bloom. I keep warning everything that we could get a snow storm at any second, but do they listen to me??

  2. In Britain, it's only 'technically' spring. It's a long way off in reality, so pop over and enjoy it here :-) I love getting so deep into my writing that I miss things though.

    1. Well, Spring as a technicality is way better than no spring at all. And yeah, I'm definitely in the dreaming about writing stage. I don't know if that's a good sign or just an indication of my obsession.

  3. Must be in the air - I also forgot all of these things except dog medicine.

    I hope it's because spring is finally in the air and all us crazies are making good use of the blooming inspiration all around.

    1. yeah, that's my hope too.
      I'm definitely bit by something, so I'm hoping it pans out.

  4. Oh gosh, your list is my list, Rena. So much needs to get done! Haha

    1. Yeah, I just can't believe how much work there is to do even when I don't have as much work to do!

      Congrats on your book, btw!

  5. Yeah I know what you mean. I decided I'm going to pants the A-Z challenge on both my blogs for this reason. It's too late to worry about it now.

    And besides. I sold my book, so I might be too busy editing in April anyway. :-/

    1. I'm sure you'll be busy with edits on your book, but how cool is it to have sold a book!!!! I mean that's really incredible, so congratulations. (and I really hope that the editorial letter makes you have all kinds of really great ideas and your book goes from super awesome to OMG I MUST TELL EVERYONE ABOUT THIS BOOK!)

      Good Luck.


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