
Friday, March 1, 2013

I'm so excited, and I don't know why

I'm back to the editing cave today, but I wanted to help spread the word about a contest coming up.

I'm a complete contest junkie, so it's no surprise that I'm gearing up for Pitch Madness, over at Brenda Drake's Blog.

As with all contests, there's no guarantee that I'll get anywhere, but it's so much fun to try!

How about you guys, know of any really awesome contests coming up?


  1. and usually feedback from strangers, always helpful to gain a new perspective! good luck! (and i'm enjoying dead star!)

    1. Yes feedback from strangers is always so helpful. And I feel so silly because I usually get to the end of a revision and cannot imagine diving in again. With this one, I just can't wait to get back into it!

  2. Have fun editing! (If that's possible.) ;) I usually love these contests, but I think I'm going to opt out for awhile, until I get more work done!

    1. You know, this is the story that I almost entered into The Writer's Voice last year in May. I am sooooo glad I waited on it and gave it more time and thought. I bet you'll feel the same way. Good luck and way to show some wisdom (which I definitely lacked in my early days).

  3. Best of luck with pitch madness! I'm glad you're excited to return to your cave. Always a good sign, I think.

    Either that, or we're really, really losing our marbles. Which, now that I think about it, is a strong possibility for writers. ;)

    1. Well, I've lost my marbles, not my keyboard! (For NaNo!)

      But I definitely think writers are mad. I for one don't suffer from madness... I enjoy every minute of it.

  4. I don't get excited. I get nervous. I guess I have zero competitive spirit!


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