
Monday, March 26, 2012

Hunger Games *Spoiler free*

I'm sure that by this point, I'm preaching to the choir, but I went and saw Hunger games last night. It was awesome. And not like a little bit. I cried, I laughed. It was fantastic.

As we all know, Hollywood adaptations are a dangerous lot. We all remember Eragorn and Percy Jackson. They didn't exactly follow the plots of their books, and felt kind of like someone just trying to make a few extra bucks (and for the record, those few extra bucks didn't go to the author). So it's no surprise that we were all a little hesitant about the Hunger Games. We've been burned before.

But when I walked into the movie theater and they were advertising BOOKS???!!!! On a movie screen????

Let's just say I was little shocked. Completely delighted, of course, but I have never seen books advertised in front of movies.

So, if this is the future of books and Hollywood, I'm for it.

Oh, and if you haven't seen it yet, and you liked the books: the movie is really great (although very intense).


  1. I really think I'm going to see it tonight!!! I'm SOOOO excited! And oh, my gosh, they were advertising books!? Wow, I've never heard of that before!

    1. Yeah, they were advertising Marie Lu's new book. So incredible.

  2. That's interesting, because they only advertised movies where I was... and the theater filled up an hour before the movie started. A nice trend, I wish they would have done it near me.

    1. I was pretty amazed about the book advertisement, but it was almost 10 minutes before the movie started. Still, books on the big screen as books!

  3. I didn't get book advertisements. Darn. Loved the movie. ;)

  4. I went to see it last night. There were 12 people in the theatre (and three of them were us).


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