
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

You're it!

Both Carrie and Jessica tagged me with the Lucky 7. 

Go to page 77 of your WIP. Go to line 7, and paste the next 7 sentences into your post.

Here they are, seven unedited lines...

If all the Guardians wanted to be Knights, then they ought to be agitated, nervous—something. Disappointed at least, but these guys were like the Secret Service, except I couldn’t see any little ear bud cleverly tucked behind an ear. 

Of course, this is space, and these aliens probably have phones with more computer power than a syncatron. I’m sure they’ve got ridiculously tiny communication devices. My shotgun made me very self conscious. Talk about low tech-high tech. I’ve got a weapon here that uses chemical potential to propel a slug of metal. How primitive can I get?

Okay, I know, that was eight sentences, but one of them isn’t technically an independent clause, so I think I’m good.

I’m not going to tag any one person. I'm tagging everyone who reads this (and do feel free to ignore my tag if you've already done this).

New topic:

Since yesterday was the first day of spring, that means winter is over. I hardly remember a more mild winter. Are you missing winter already, or are you too ga-ga over the sprouting daffodils to notice the snow’s gone?


  1. Interesting. Sure brings up some questions there.

    I did seven paragraphs for mine (recently self-tagged), so I think you're good with eight sentences. ^_^

    1. I live in constant fear of the blogging police: I break meme rules all the time. Someday they'll come for me in the night and this will be among the charges on the scroll.

  2. i love this! and i know there's plenty more where that came from!

    1. Thanks! When I first got tagged I opened up my document and saw that I only had 76 pages in my WIP. So I had to start writing.

  3. ooh I like it!
    I have to admit I'm really lovin the warm weather. But I love winter and wish it had been snowier.

    1. Yeah, the daffodils are up here, and keep pointing them out. I'm really excited about spring. Winter was a little hard here, and not just the weather.

  4. I'd like to know more about these guys :-)

    1. Thanks, someday I'll be able to share them with the world, or at least with my betas.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


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